Webmaster: Gerald Case

Copyright © 2010-2023 Green Valley R/C Flyers.  All Rights Reserved.

A.M.A. Charter


Club Officers

Club Roster

About Us

Meeting Minutes

The roster is password protected. Please contact a club officer for the password.  

When prompted, type the password in lower case.

Click HERE to view the roster

Meeting Minutes Master

FICO Flying Field Safety Rules

FICO Flying Field Rules - 08-10-2015 - revised.pdf

Twin Buttes Flying Field Safety Rules

Twin Buttes Flying Field Rules - 08-10-2015 - revised.pdf

Our cub email address is : [email protected]

Notices, announcements, etc., will be sent from this address to club members .

Inquiries, comments, issues, from members or visitors to this site, should be sent to the address above.

AMA Safety  Handbook

See page 3


By-Laws revised 11-22-19.pdf